
The birth chart is like a postcard from your soul, giving you a snapshot of your strengths and challenges. Will you read it's wisdom?

Karmic Path

Discover your karmic path through your natal chart and remove the weeds to clear the way to make more conscious decisions.


Your inner Dreamer slumbers and awaits your call for clarity. Learn to open yourself to her quiet voice through intentional dreaming.

Pam Pleviak, Evolutionary Astrologer

You might wonder how I stumbled upon this path. At 11 years old, a friend’s aunt introduced me to astrology. Little did I know that after a long career in education I would study with the well-known evolutionary astrologer, Steven Forrest, both in his in-person apprenticeship classes, as well as in his online school. Leading up to that milepost, I completed a shamanic apprenticeship with Eve B. Lee, who learned her craft with Michael Harner, the social anthropologist who brought Shamanic Drumming to the west. Later, I studied with Toltec teacher and Dream Master, Victoria Allen, apprentice of Don Miguel Ruiz who wrote The Four Agreements. Recently, I completed an Astrology of Love and Relationships course taught by well-known astrologers across the world. A trip to a yoga ashram with Victoria in Rishikesh, India really was the spark that ignited my long latent desire to pursue astrology more deeply. Further expanding my knowledge was an in-person Master Class with Mark Jones in Wales. This path has been a path with heart, listening and opening to ideas beyond what, for many people, lie outside of their cultural programming and daily awareness. As you can see, mentorship runs deep on my journey. It is a journey where the traveler, if tuned toward the Soul’s Intention, finds growth, clarity and transformation. I am so grateful for my teachers and I honor their legacy.